
Scroll’n’roll – Nanomaterials towards effective photocatalytic pollution treatment


Press release inspired by the collaborative work within our recent scientific article: Scrolled titanate nanosheet composites with reduced graphite oxide for photocatalytic and adsorptive removal of toxic vapors”https://​pho​to​-cata​ly​sis​.org/​v​i​e​w​.​p​h​p​?​i​d​=1242

Such impressive recognition of having the effects of our collaborative science (sincere thanks to All Collaborators for making this project a reality!!!) on the public media, just a few selected links:


https://​www​.eure​ka​lert​.org/​p​u​b​_​r​e​l​e​a​s​e​s​/2021 – 05/iopc-s-n050521.php




Acknowledgments: the National Science Centre in Poland within OPUS-13 project No 2017/25/B/ST8/01592 and project Miniatura 2 No 2018/02/X/ST5/03531


…We live in times when among the most limited and precious resources on Earth are air and water. No matter the geographical location, the pollution spreads quickly, negatively affecting even the purest regions like Mount Everest. Thus, anthropogenic activity decreases the quality of the environment, making it harmful for flora and fauna. Current waste treatment methods are not sufficient, so novel and effective methods for maximizing pollutants removal are highly needed. One of the robust and prosperous solutions that make it possible to degrade various highly toxic chemicals from air and water is based on nanotechnology. Nanomaterials offer unique physicochemical properties, establishing them capable to catalytically detoxify harmful substances faster and more efficiently than within classical filtration-based approaches. Facing the global pollution challenges, an international team led by prof. Juan Carlos Colmenares from the Institute of Physical Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences (IPC PAS) opens new horizons on harmful chemical treatment. They have synthesized a novel nanomaterial that can be used for multiple toxic compounds degradation…”.


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