
Recognition as most influential article on chromatographic sample preparation from LC GC North America” journal for utilizing MOFs for solid-phase extraction (SPE)


The article in which our dr. Dimitrios A. Giannakoudakis was co-author was announced as one of the most influential journal articles on chromatography sample preparation by LC GC North America” journal, recommended by Prof. Mihkel Koel from the Tallinn University of Technology. In this work, it was analyzed how Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs) can be utilized in a variety of forms in solid-phase extraction (SPE), including the conventional cartridge and pipet-tip formats, stir-bar sorptive extraction (SBSE) and in dispersive- and magnetic-SPE”, providing in parallel a Green Chemistry emphasis.

For the recognition check the article in page 25: http://files.alfresco.mjh.group/alfresco_images/pharma//2020/03/12/c838a200-a6ce-4f0b-b13d-5d7eb114d158/LCGC_NAmerica_March2020.pdf


N. Manousi, D.A. Giannakoudakis, E. Rosenberg, and G.A. Zachariadis. Molecules, 24 (20194605; DOI:10.3390/molecules24244605Open Access!!!


https://​www​.mdpi​.com/1420 – 3049/24/24/4605

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